Our impact

We know Bridewell can play a vital role in recovery, we see it week to week. The garden provides a stepping stone for people working towards recovery
Our Impact Banner (1)

Bridewell Garden's Impact

Working with adults of all ages, referred from Adult Mental Health Teams, GPs and voluntary organisations across the county.
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Gardening sessions held in 2022
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Range of ages of people currently accessing Bridewell
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Volunteer hours given last year

Download our annual report

Find all annual reports on the Charity Commission and our latest report here
Hot Border 2022

Our mission

Working alongside people in nature to find hope in recovery

  • Community and compassion
  • Structure and routine
  • Hope and recovery
220720 Tussock Planting Leonora

Our partnerships

Bridewell works closely with other services in the area including with the wider voluntary and community sector in the county and as a member of the Oxfordshire Mental Health Partnership.


Working with Oxford NHS Foundation Trust we receive referrals through the Adult Mental Health Teams in Banbury, Oxford, and Witney. Bridewell also supports people with next steps through connections with local volunteering opportunities, wellbeing services and community projects.

Our goals

As a small local charity about to reach the milestone of 30 years of service delivery, we carefully prioritise where our resources go to make sure we can achieve the most impact for people whose lives have been affected by serious mental ill health.

Reducing barriers

Working closely with referrers to support people to access Bridewell's recovery service.

Opportunities beyond Bridewell

Building connections with community groups, next steps for paid and voluntary work.


People who have experience of mental ill health are involved in making decisions and developing Bridewell.


Making sure Bridewell can continue providing support for the next 30 years.

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If you'd like to hear news from the gardens you can join our mailing list here

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