Shell on Earth

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March 21, 2023
1 min
testimonial image

The Bridewell team recently came across Shell on Earth when looking for alternatives to perlite (a natural material mixed with potting compost to help with aeration and drainage).

Shell on Earth are based in a small seaside town in West Wales – they take the crushed whelk shells generated at their family’s seafood processing factory and recycle them for use in gardens and landscaping. Absolutely nothing is wasted, and the crushed whelk shells are an excellent alternative to perlite.  

Bridewell has been ordering their product for a while now and love it so we were thrilled to be offered a gift-in-kind donation of crushed shells which will keep us going for all its many uses around the garden for a while. Thank you so much Shell on Earth – we are very grateful for your support!

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