There are several ways to donate to Bridewell - choose the one that works best for you.
You can make a donation easily online.
Complete this form to set up a standing order.
Donate directly using our bank details:
Bridewell Organic Gardens
Lloyds Bank
Sort code: 30-90-89
Account no: 39913668
You can raise funds for free every time you shop using the site Give As You Live.
Here are a few examples of what your support can achieve:
We hugely value gifts of 'things' or 'expertise' which we would otherwise have to source for the smooth running of our recovery service such as:
Bridewell Gardens is commissioned to provide a recovery service as part of the Oxfordshire Mental Health Partnership, funded by Oxford Health NHS Foundation. The value of this contract is less than 50% of Bridewell's running costs.
Every year, Bridewell meets the 50% gap in funding thanks to the support of our local community, businesses and individuals, trusts and foundations.
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